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All of the Dashboard Software programs are easy to use. We provide you with comprehensive training that can get your managers in the driver’s seat asap.

Our training videos and written material are simple to understand plus we’re here to walk our customers through the training process.

Training and Support from Command Solutions

24/7 Support

Our Training Sessions Include:

  1. Hands on instruction
  2. Comprehensive videos and materials for quick reference
  3. 24/7 Support

The dashboard was created to increase the value of your agency’s record management system. Technology, software and your record management system are all very valuable assets within your department. The dashboard was designed for managers who make strategic decisions and create plans for reducing crime and increasing the quality of life in your community.

The statistical data displayed on the dashboard will prompt the managers and the executives of your agency to go back into your records management system and retrieve additional information for this decision making process.

The basic purpose of the dashboard is to provide managers and executives with the software necessary to create an atmosphere of accountability and achievement. The opportunity of confusing activity with accomplishment can be diminished with regular use of the dashboard software.

In our training videos and through our onsite techs, you’ll learn how to streamline data for your agency as well organize it for you various needs.